

Theory of Multimode Squeezed Light Generation in Lossy Media

D.A. Kopylov, T. Meier, P.R. Sharapova, Quantum 9 (2025).

Nonreciprocal Metasurfaces with Epsilon-Near-Zero Materials

A. Mathew, R. Aschwanden, A. Tripathi, P. Jangid, B. Sain, T. Zentgraf, S. Kruk, Nano Letters (2025).


Swing-up dynamics in quantum emitter cavity systems: Near ideal single photons and entangled photon pairs

N. Heinisch, N. Köcher, D. Bauch, S. Schumacher, Physical Review Research 6 (2024).

Roadmap on electromagnetic metamaterials and metasurfaces

T.J. Cui, S. Zhang, A. Alu, M. Wegener, J. Pendry, J. Luo, Y. Lai, Z. Wang, X. Lin, H. Chen, P. Chen, R.-X. Wu, Y. Yin, P. Zhao, H. Chen, Y. Li, Z. Zhou, N. Engheta, V.S. Asadchy, C. Simovski, S.A. Tretyakov, B. Yang, S.D. Campbell, Y. Hao, D.H. Werner, S. Sun, L. Zhou, S. Xu, H.-B. Sun, Z. Zhou, Z. Li, G. Zheng, X. Chen, T. Li, S.-N. Zhu, J. Zhou, J. Zhao, Z. Liu, Y. Zhang, Q. Zhang, M. Gu, S. Xiao, Y. Liu, X. Zhang, Y. Tang, G. Li, T. Zentgraf, K. Koshelev, Y.S. Kivshar, X. Li, T. Badloe, L. Huang, J. Rho, S. Wang, D.P. Tsai, A.Yu. Bykov, A.V. Krasavin, A.V. Zayats, C. McDonnell, T. Ellenbogen, X. Luo, M. Pu, F.J. Garcia-Vidal, L. Liu, Z. Li, W. Tang, H.F. Ma, J. Zhang, Y. Luo, X. Zhang, H.C. Zhang, P.H. He, L.P. Zhang, X. Wan, H. Wu, S. Liu, W.X. Jiang, X.G. Zhang, C. Qiu, Q. Ma, C. Liu, L. Li, J. Han, L. Li, M. Cotrufo, C. Caloz, Z.-L. Deck-Léger, A. Bahrami, O. Céspedes, E. Galiffi, P.A. Huidobro, Q. Cheng, J.Y. Dai, J.C. Ke, L. Zhang, V. Galdi, M. Di Renzo, Journal of Physics: Photonics (2024).

Derivation of Miller's rule for the nonlinear optical susceptibility of a quantum anharmonic oscillator

M.T. Meyer, A. Schindlmayr, Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 57 (2024).

Natural near field coupled leaky-mode resonant anti-reflection structures: the setae of Cataglyphis bombycina

B. Schwind, X. Wu, M. Tiemann, H.-O. Fabritius, Frontiers in Physics 12 (2024).

Relativistic calculation of the orbital hyperfine splitting in complex microscopic structures

K. Franzke, W.G. Schmidt, U. Gerstmann, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2701 (2024).

Substrate Doping and Defect Influence on P-Rich InP(001):H Surface Properties

R. Sciotto, I.A. Ruiz Alvarado, W.G. Schmidt, Surfaces 7 (2024) 79–87.

Integration of Multijunction Absorbers and Catalysts for Efficient Solar‐Driven Artificial Leaf Structures: A Physical and Materials Science Perspective

T. Hannappel, S. Shekarabi, W. Jaegermann, E. Runge, J.P. Hofmann, R. van de Krol, M.M. May, A. Paszuk, F. Hess, A. Bergmann, A. Bund, C. Cierpka, C. Dreßler, F. Dionigi, D. Friedrich, M. Favaro, S. Krischok, M. Kurniawan, K. Lüdge, Y. Lei, B. Roldán Cuenya, P. Schaaf, R. Schmidt‐Grund, W.G. Schmidt, P. Strasser, E. Unger, M.F. Vasquez Montoya, D. Wang, H. Zhang, Solar RRL 8 (2024).

Atomic wires on substrates: Physics between one and two dimensions

H. Pfnür, C. Tegenkamp, S. Sanna, E. Jeckelmann, M. Horn-von Hoegen, U. Bovensiepen, N. Esser, W.G. Schmidt, M. Dähne, S. Wippermann, F. Bechstedt, M. Bode, R. Claessen, R. Ernstorfer, C. Hogan, M. Ligges, A. Pucci, J. Schäfer, E. Speiser, M. Wolf, J. Wollschläger, Surface Science Reports 79 (2024).

Unraveling Electron Dynamics in p-type Indium Phosphide (100): A Time-Resolved Two-Photon Photoemission Study

J. Diederich, J. Velasquez Rojas, M.A. Zare Pour, I.A. Ruiz Alvarado, A. Paszuk, R. Sciotto, C. Höhn, K. Schwarzburg, D. Ostheimer, R. Eichberger, W.G. Schmidt, T. Hannappel, R. van de Krol, D. Friedrich, Journal of the American Chemical Society 146 (2024) 8949–8960.

Defect-Assisted Exciton Transfer across the Tetracene-Si(111):H Interface

M. Krenz, U. Gerstmann, W.G. Schmidt, Physical Review Letters 132 (2024).

Sub-cycle strong-field tunneling dynamics in solids

S. Yang, X. Liu, H. Zhang, X. Song, R. Zuo, T. Meier, W. Yang, Optics Express 32 (2024).

Optical Stark effect in type-II semiconductor heterostructures

F. Schäfer, A. Trautmann, C. Ngo, J.T. Steiner, C. Fuchs, K. Volz, F. Dobener, M. Stein, T. Meier, S. Chatterjee, Physical Review B 109 (2024).

From Swiss-cheese to discrete ferroelectric composites: assessing the ferroelectric butterfly shape in polarization loops

V. Myroshnychenko, P.M. Mulavarickal Jose, H. Farheen, S. Ejaz, C. Brosseau, J. Förstner, Physica Scripta 99 (2024) 045952.

Microscopic simulations of the dynamics of excitonic many-body correlations coupled to quantum light

H. Rose, P. Sharapova, T. Meier, Microscopic Simulations of the Dynamics of Excitonic Many-Body Correlations Coupled to Quantum Light, LibreCat University, 2024.

Microscopic simulations of the dynamics of excitonic many-body correlations coupled to quantum light

H. Rose, P.R. Sharapova, T. Meier, in: M. Betz, A.Y. Elezzabi (Eds.), Ultrafast Phenomena and Nanophotonics XXVIII, SPIE, 2024.

Guided modes of thin-film lithium niobate slabs

M. Hammer, H. Farheen, J. Förstner, Optics Continuum (2024) 532822.

Surface-near domain engineering in multi-domain x-cut lithium niobate tantalate mixed crystals

L. Bollmers, T. Babai-Hemati, B. Koppitz, C. Eigner, L. Padberg, M. Rüsing, L.M. Eng, C. Silberhorn, Applied Physics Letters 125 (2024).

Charge transfer magnetoexcitons in magnetoabsorption spectra of asymmetric type-II double quantum wells

J. Röder, M. Gerhard, C. Fuchs, W. Stolz, W. Heimbrodt, M. Koch, C. Ngo, J.T. Steiner, T. Meier, Physical Review B 110 (2024).

Optical imaging of ferroelectric domains in periodically poled lithium niobate using ferroelectric liquid crystals

P.A. Meier, S. Keuker-Baumann, T. Röder, H. Herrmann, R. Ricken, C. Silberhorn, H.-S. Kitzerow, Opto-Electronics Review (2024) 150611–150611.

Influence of the Deposition Rate on the Alignment and Performance of Perylene-3,4,9,10-tetracarboxylic Tetraethyl Ester in an Organic Light Emitting Diode

D. Becker, P. Meier, A. Kuhlmann, C. Sternemann, H. Bock, H.-G. Steinrück, H.-S. Kitzerow, ACS Applied Electronic Materials 6 (2024) 1234–1243.

Investigation of nano-rods fabricated by the DNA origami method using static and dynamic light scattering

B. Zhang, K. Martens, L. Kneer, L. Nguyen, S. Kempter, K. Huber, H.-S. Kitzerow, Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals (2024) 1–9.

Fifty years of liquid crystal research in the mirror of the German Liquid Crystal Conference

F. Giesselmann, H.-S. Kitzerow, R. Zentel, Liquid Crystals Today 33 (2024) 2–9.

Bright Electrically Contacted Circular Bragg Grating Resonators with Deterministically Integrated Quantum Dots

S. Wijitpatima, N. Auler, P. Mudi, T. Funk, A. Barua, B. Shrestha, J. Schall, I. Limame, S. Rodt, D. Reuter, S. Reitzenstein, ACS Nano 18 (2024) 31834–31845.

Polariton-Induced Transparency in Multiple Quantum Wells Probed by Time Domain Brillouin Scattering

M. Karzel, A.K. Samusev, T.L. Linnik, M. Littmann, D. Reuter, M. Bayer, A.V. Scherbakov, A.V. Akimov, ACS Photonics (2024).

Self-assembly of isolated plasmonic dimers with sub-5 nm gaps on a metallic mirror

V. Devaraj, I.A.R. Alvarado, J.-M. Lee, J.-W. Oh, U. Gerstmann, W.G. Schmidt, T. Zentgraf, Nanoscale Horizons (2024).


Nanosecond gating of superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors using cryogenic bias circuitry

T. Hummel, A. Widhalm, J.P. Höpker, K. Jöns, J. Chang, A. Fognini, S. Steinhauer, V. Zwiller, A. Zrenner, T. Bartley, Optics Express 31 (2023).

Symmetry governed nonlinear selection rules in nanophotonics

T. Zentgraf, in: N.C. Panoiu (Ed.), Fundamentals and Applications of Nonlinear Nanophotonics, 1st ed., Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2023.

Time-resolved pump–probe spectroscopic ellipsometry of cubic GaN. I. Determination of the dielectric function

E. Baron, R. Goldhahn, S. Espinoza, M. Zahradník, M. Rebarz, J. Andreasson, M. Deppe, D.J. As, M. Feneberg, Journal of Applied Physics 134 (2023).

Phase sensitivity of spatially broadband high-gain SU(1,1) interferometers

D. Scharwald, T. Meier, P.R. Sharapova, Physical Review Research 5 (2023).

Luminescent DNA-origami nano-rods dispersed in a lyotropic chromonic liquid crystal

B. Zhang, L. Nguyen, K. Martens, A. Heuer-Jungemann, J. Philipp, S. Kempter, J.O. Rädler, T. Liedl, H.-S. Kitzerow, Liquid Crystals 50 (2023) 1243–1251.

On‐Demand Indistinguishable and Entangled Photons Using Tailored Cavity Designs

D. Bauch, D. Siebert, K. Jöns, J. Förstner, S. Schumacher, Advanced Quantum Technologies (2023).

Chirped Bloch-harmonic oscillations in a parametrically forced optical lattice

U. Ali, M. Holthaus, T. Meier, Physical Review Research 5 (2023).

Nonlinear Dielectric Geometric-Phase Metasurface with Simultaneous Structure and Lattice Symmetry Design

B. Liu, R. Geromel, Z. Su, K. Guo, Y. Wang, Z. Guo, L. Huang, T. Zentgraf, ACS Photonics 10 (2023) 4357–4366.

Broadband Mie scattering effects by structural features of setae from the Saharan silver ant Cataglyphis bombycina

B. Schwind, X. Wu, M. Tiemann, H.-O. Fabritius, Journal of the Optical Society of America B 40 (2023) B49–B58.

Vibrational Properties of the Potassium Titanyl Phosphate Crystal Family

S. Neufeld, U. Gerstmann, L. Padberg, C. Eigner, G. Berth, C. Silberhorn, L.M. Eng, W.G. Schmidt, M. Rüsing, Crystals 13 (2023).

14N Hyperfine and nuclear interactions of axial and basal NV centers in 4H-SiC: A high frequency (94 GHz) ENDOR study

F.F. Murzakhanov, M.A. Sadovnikova, G.V. Mamin, S.S. Nagalyuk, H.J. von Bardeleben, W.G. Schmidt, T. Biktagirov, U. Gerstmann, V.A. Soltamov, Journal of Applied Physics 134 (2023).

Synthesis of new graphene oxide/TiO2 and TiO2/SiO2 nanocomposites and their evaluation as photocatalysts

M. Rosenthal, T. Biktagirov, W.G. Schmidt, R. Wilhelm, Catalysis Science & Technology 13 (2023) 4367–4377.

Quantum-optical excitations of semiconductor nanostructures in a microcavity using a two-band model and a single-mode quantum field

H. Rose, A.N. Vasil’ev, O.V. Tikhonova, T. Meier, P. Sharapova, Quantum-Optical Excitations of Semiconductor Nanostructures in a Microcavity Using a Two-Band Model and a Single-Mode Quantum Field, LibreCat University, 2023.

Analysis of the nonlinear optical response of excitons in type-I and type-II quantum wells including many-body correlations

A. Trautmann, M. Stein, F. Schäfer, D. Anders, C. Ngo, J.T. Steiner, M. Reichelt, S. Chatterjee, T. Meier, Analysis of the Nonlinear Optical Response of Excitons in Type-I and Type-II Quantum Wells Including Many-Body Correlations, LibreCat University, 2023.

Control of the electron dynamics in solid-state high harmonic generation on ultrafast time scales by a polarization-skewed laser pulse

X. Song, S. Yang, G. Wang, J. Lin, L. Wang, T. Meier, W. Yang, Control of the Electron Dynamics in Solid-State High Harmonic Generation on Ultrafast Time Scales by a Polarization-Skewed Laser Pulse, LibreCat University, 2023.

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