„At CeOPP, we combine our strong expertise of our departments of physics, chemistry and electrical engineering, exploring the fundamental aspects of light-matter interaction in solids and creating new applications in information- and quantum technologies.”

Prof. Dr. Thomas Zentgraf,
Spokesperson of the Center for Optoelectronics and Photonics Paderborn (CeOPP)

At a Glance

Re­search Res­ults

Our research results are published in numerous publications.

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The CeOPP forms the structural basis for the research work spread across three of our departments

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About CeOPP

For teaching and education, the interdisciplinary structure of the CeOPP offers unique opportunities for Bachelor-, Master-, and PhD-students to acquire a broad and profound knowledge in the most important key technologies for the next century.

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Col­lab­or­ated Re­search Cen­ter TRR 142

The CeOPP plays a central part in the DFG-funded collaborative research center SFB TRR 142 on “Tailored nonlinear photonics” initiated together with the researchers from the TU Dortmund University and supports further funded projects with infrastructure.

The goal is to explore, develop and engineer future nonlinear photonics systems. We are using state-of-the-art technological capabilities for the exploration of new physics and devices based on tailored strong nonlinearities and genuine quantum effects.

Man­aging Board

Prof. Dr. Thomas Zent­graf


Prof. Dr. Ul­rich Hiller­ing­mann

Deputy Spokesperson

Prof. Dr. Jan Paradies

Deputy Spokesperson